Life With Lipstick On


Friday Festers

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I would like to introduce you to a new series called Friday Festers. I always have a handful of random things that I am hot on at the moment.  It could be a local hot spot a funny video, a great article I've come across but something that has gotten my wheels turning.  Voila, my first issue of Friday Festers, where you will find all my random Friday musings for the weekend!  I would love to know what you've all been festering on lately!  Anything interesting??



Been delivering lots of lovely little things to my new mama friends this month and can't wait to add this adorable gold hanger to my gift baskets.


Sometimes you just need a pick me up mid day and this Majestic Dog article  had me in tears I was laughing so hard!


I've been loving adding bright colors to my lipstick repitiore for spring and the latest LV ad featuring girl crush Michelle Williams makes me swoon!


We are gearing up for a fun Cinco de Mayo backyard fiesta in a couple weeks and think these Margarita pops are the perfect cool treat for our festivities!


I'm working on mixing up my workouts and get motivated for bikini season!  I've never been motivated to become a runner and basically hate it all together but decided to give it a good effort.  But where to start so I'm not dry heaving on the side of the street after 30 seconds?  This great running schedule seems super doable and a easy place to start.

White on White

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Family night

UncategorizedLorely MezaComment

Now that it's been lighter later and our weather has been gorgeous, all we want to do is be outside.  We decided to take our family night outside this week.  Here's what's on the agenda... family fun

On the grill: Daddy is going to grill up some of our faves- chicken, corn and zucchini.

Activity: While the yumminess is cooking, the girls will be working on their scavenger hunt. Some of our favorite things to find are rollie pollies, lemons on our lemon tree, cloud shapes, flowers, and bark from the trees.

The sweet: Last but not least dessert!!!  Strawberries are fresh and in season right now so we are gobbling them up in all forms!  For family night we are going to do good old Strawberry Shortcake.  The girls love to assemble them themselves and of course load them with whipped cream!

Cheers to outdoor family fun!


Inspired by: Under the Tuscan Sun

UncategorizedLorely MezaComment

We all have the super nostalgic moment in a movie where we dream we are the heroine of the flick and have the wardrobe, life, love  or whatever of that character.  I often circle back to "Under the Tuscan Sun" .  It wasn't my favorite movie but man Diane Lane in her sweet fit and flare dresses really makes me want to visit Italy and wear an equally perfect frock.  She looked incredible in that movie and I am obsessed with the white number she is wearing in  a scene where she goes to visit her lover on the Amalfi Coast. The whole thing is just to swoon worthy!  Now it doesn't work out for her character but she looks fabulous and how beyond dreamy is her guy?!!  Yikes!!! under tuscan sun

Sunny sundresses for the littles

UncategorizedLorely MezaComment

I'm Kacee and I hail from Sunny So Cal where I live with my hunny Erik and two daughters. I am a homeschool, wine loving, lipstick obsessed, fashion crazed, hair and makeup artist always on the hunt for adventures. I journal my travels, entertaining tips, home decor, our life raising our two babes and some of my favorite things. I hope you enjoy the little things that make me happy!